Are you wondering how to style your curls on wash day? This is my super easy curl styling routine. Get defined yet soft and full curls.

Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair
Curly Hair Wash Day Tools

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My Curly Hair Goals

Why am I mentioning goals? Good question! What you want your curls to do will determine what products and techniques you employ. Your curly hair routine will depend largely on how you want your hair to look – the end result.

I want soft and full curls with some definition, volume, and length. Alright, let’s get into how I achieve that!

Watch My Curly Hair Wash Day Routine

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Step 1 – Let the Curls Air Dry a Bit

First, I wash my hair the evening before or in the morning when I have time. I only use conditioner to wash my hair unless I am dying my hair. Shampoo is only once a month! Then, I let my hair air dry a bit. I may put it in a bun if I am going to sleep.

Why I do this: I don’t want my hair to be soaking wet. This will cut down on drying time when I style my curls later on. There’s nothing worse than having heat on soaking wet hair!

Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair
Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair

Step 2 – Separate Curls, Rewet a bit, and Add Product

Next, I spend time adding product to small section of hair. This is a bit tedious but worth it. I didn’t do this in the past and I can tell a difference. Going through small sections of my hair ensures that my curls are being defined. That means less frizz. Although, a little bit of frizz is ok for volume. Anyway, the tools that I use at this stage are the pick, water spray bottle, and gel. I am detangling the ends and rewetting each section a bit. Then, I am adding the gel section by section. I focus on having the product on the ends and smooth my crown. Again, a little bit of frizz is ok.

Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair

Why I do this: I want defined yet soft curls. Adding product through small sections of my hair helps me define my curls. The focus on the ends leads to less product being used.

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Step 3 – Blow Dry for Length and Fullness

Next, I add heat. I know that this is controversial! Here’s my thing. It is your hair, your curls – do what you want. However, at the same time, be careful with how much heat you use. You do not want to dry your curls out!

Why I do this: It’s obvious! We want some length, right? Curls can shrink when you add product. So, it is a matter of striking that balance.

Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair
Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair

Step 4 – (Re) Define My Curls

After that, I go back and redefine my curls. Clean things up a bit so my curls are smooth. This step is pretty quick.

Why I do this: We want length but we also want to maintain some definition. Otherwise, my curls won’t be easy to refresh between washes.

Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair

Step 5 – Diffuser Blow Drying for Volume

Finally, it is time to pump up the volume! This is the fun part. I use my blow dryer diffuser attachment to add volume to my curls. The Deva Curl Blow Dryer has a diffuser attachment that resembles a hand. It is the best diffuser attachment! Boom! We are done.

Why I do this: When you see the full and big curls you will know why! This lifts my curls and just makes them look dynamite. I can’t do this step when I am short on time.

But anyone with a curl type knows this is far from true—it’s a lot of work to identify your curls and develop a routine that actually works.

Source: Real Simple
Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair
Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair
Curvy Black Woman with Curly Hair

In conclusion, that is my post-wash curly hair routine. Now you are set to have full, soft, and big curls! Want more beauty inspo? Check out posts here and here.

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